Sunday, March 16, 2008

Review - Linden Leaves Body Oil

A moisture-rich blend of pure fruit oils enriched with vitamin E to nourish dry skin and promote healthy cell renewal, in a rejuvenating blend of mandarin, petitgrain, rosemary and lavender to restore wellbeing and promote happiness.

Linden Leaves makes these great body oils with various aromatherapy scents. For myself, I tried the "Pick Me Up" scent containing invigorating citrus type scents. My skin is so beat up from this winter's super dry, cold air that on my shins, I have little scales. Gross, I know. After using this product two times after the shower, and once in the morning just before I went out the door, my scales are completely gone, not even a hint of them are left. This stuff really did the trick.

Never mind that it works great, but it looks really cool too, there are freeze dried pieces of fruit floating in the oil in a clear bottle.

Joyce says:
Bath salts are just lovely things to me…like adding nature to water (which is what we’re doing). The bottle of oil that also comes in the box can be used on the body and in bath water; and I love the piece of real fruit floating in the oil. What I really appreciate is applying the oil to my body, especially pulse-points, when I need to perk up mid-afternoon. Seriously, I do this, especially when I’m working on a client’s project and need to literally have a pick-me-up. Coffee at that time of day would affect my being able to go to sleep that night, and we know how sugar messes with energy. This is a much more natural way to energize my mind. The oil goes onto and into the skin very nicely and in a relatively short period of time, so I’m not concerned with getting oil on other things. It also keeps me smelling as though I just emerged from a bath and does so for hours.

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