Friday, February 8, 2008

Review - Band-Aid Brand Activ-Flex Blister Block Stick


Invisibly prevents blisters. Instantly reduces rubbing on skin.

About $6.99
The first time I read about this product I thought: NOW they come up with this? Where was it before when my feet were always so raw from killer shoes that I practically needed to put brown paper bags over them to hide them. And take aspirin to kill the pain!

The more important question was: Did it work? I performed the acid test. I tried the stick in regard to a pair of cheap slides where the word, leather, was doubtful as far as what they were made of. I bravely removed the protective moleskin I’d put under the front part of the slides and rubbed the stick on my toes that were now in deep danger. I took a 5-block stroll as my scientific experiment.

Heavenly. The natural emollient in the stick meant the shoes were now sliding over my toes instead of rubbing them. And the stick is so small, about the size of a mini deodorant stick, that you can pop it in your purse and carry with you. This product is a MUST the first time you wear new shoes and a blessing for the summer when your feet decide to expand several inches but your shoes don’t. You can find Blister Block Stick in the band-aid section of your drugstore.

Hillary says:
This stick saved my feet this past summer! I had gotten 2 pairs of new clogs this summer & as we all know, clogs have a breaking-in period. I carried this with me everywhere. Mind you my purse weighs about 10 lbs. & is as stocked as any pharmacy, but I found this invaluable. It seemed that whenever I thought the clogs were fully broken in, a week later I'd need this stick. I'm happy to say they are now all comfy-cosy due to the use of the Band-Aid Blister Block Stick.

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