Friday, November 27, 2009

Review- Reversital 3-in-1 Microderma Stick Body, Elbows, Feet

Cleanse, resurface, moisturize. A revolutionary patented formulation stimulates collagen production, combines a cream, a brush and after-care product in one amazing dial-up applicator. An affordable alternative to expensive chemical and laser peels. A concentrated repair system providing uniform surface tension for safe and more effective results. An immediate reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, age spots and damage from UVA/UVB rays, skin discoloration and dry skin will be observed after only one treatment. $80 for 3 oz.

Reversital has definitely made the task of microdermabrasion at home an easy no-excuse-for-flaky-skin process. The entire experience can be held in your hand in this substantial stick capable of erasing dry skin like the opposite end of a pencil. The first time I used this it was in the bathtub. My 2 year-old was in there with me and within a few minutes, it felt like we were sitting in a sandbox because this stick's exfoliating capabilities are so hardcore! There was a huge difference in the feel of my skin immediately and I was not only freshly scrubbed but also wonderfully silky. You see, that's because this product delivers a moisturizer activated by water so powerful that you can skip yours. Being completely blown away by the very tangible effects, I have been using the stick every few days on my heels and elbows as well as light application all over. My skin, which tends to dry out in the winter pretty fiercely, has been a joy to be in and here we are in late November. Bring on the dark depths of winter, I say, I am armed with a wickedly great product!

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