Monday, September 14, 2009

Review - Cynos Nano Molding Paste

CYNOS Nano Molding Paste is the ultimate paste that offers exceptional texture, incredible apilability, and a modern finish. This product is only sold at hair salons.

As a girl who has had a wide variety of hair lengths, I feel like I have a pretty good handle on what product goes with what length. When I had short hair, I liked a pomade or a wax; at a longer length, I usually use a light mousse or texturizing spray. This paste falls somewhere in between the two: not crazy hold like a wax, but definitely enough hold to do something interesting. As it is, the only part of my hair that really benefitted from this paste was my long bangs, which tend to be a bit unruly, especially when it's windy. When I presented my bobbed-haired roommate with the stuff, however, she was delighted: the paste offered enough hold to give her messy 'do some shape, but not so much that she looked like she was wearing a helmet. Sadly, this product is only sold in salons, so if you're interested, ask your hairdresser to look into it for you!

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