This product had some big shoes to fill since I LOVED my old heat protectant, Frederic Fekkai Coiff Defense (see reviews here). I'm glad to report it filled them well. This protectant has a nice clean smell, not too flowery or anything, and I don't think it would clash with most shampoos. I decided to give it a run for it's money, so I both blow-dried and straight-ironed my hair. Thanks to this protectant, my hair still looked good after being put through the ringer. The real test came the next time I washed; it wasn't dry at all (which it should have been.) I know it seems like our shelves are getting complicated with more and more products lately, but I really recommend using this treatment before heat styling your hair. It has avocado oil, sweet almond oil and sunflower seed extract to moisturize your hair as well as several other fruit and plant extract. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this for people with oily hair as they don't need the moisture, but I'd say it's light enough for them to use for the heat protecting qualities.
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