Yes, it's true, Black Opal cosmetics are intended for African-Americans (which I am not), but when we got the opportunity to review it I figured lipstick is lipstick. Although the color is too dark for me to wear on a regular basis (mine is Ebony Wine which comes out black), I was really impressed with the quality of this lipstick. I wore it on Halloween and I put it on around 6PM. I didn't have to re-apply until after I ate around 11PM! Even then it wasn't totally gone. I wear all my lipstick with lip balm, but this lipstick is moisturizing enough to go without it. This is one heavily pigmented lipstick and at $5.75, it's quite a bargain. African- American women are unfortunately very limited in the choices of brands which cater to their skin tones which I've always felt was unfair. Luckily, Black Opal offers them quality lipstick at an affordable price.
Sheba says:
I am no stranger to 'ethnic' cosmetics. I use some on my hair and have given them glowing reviews. I got the Black Opal Lipstick in Honey Suckle and I like it a lot. I have mentioned before my mixing colors of lipstick and nail polish. Well, I can wear this alone and it looks very nice. I can wear it with a white over it or a pearl over it. I can do no wrong with it -- it looks great no matter how I wear it. I will use this one on my lips and put the mixer on top of it. The reason I want this on the lips directly is the moisture and aloe feel wonderful on my lips. Why put another lipstick on first and miss that feeling?? As Hillary mentioned this is a lasting lipstick. I need to refresh my lipstick often but this has staying power and I don't find the need to refresh as often. This is a very good quality lipstick at a reasonable price.
Movie Maven says:
Okay, we're all white girls. And yet we're reviewing lipstick intended for women of color. Is this a result of the new "post-race" age everyone's talking about? In any event, Black Opal Lipstick is a fine product regardless of your skin tone. I got it in Bon Bon, which in the tube appears to be a chocolatey brown, but actually goes on in a more cinnamon-y color. I walked out into the living room wearing it and told my roommate it was Black Opal, and she said, "It just looks like you're wearing lipstick." Although I'm a cool tones sort of girl, on a woman with warmer skin tone - whether she's the palest of the pale or the darkest of the dark - this color could totally look good. The lipstick itself is soft and actually feels good on my lips; the only complaint was that I had to reapply it a couple of times. However, for the price, it's a bargain! Definitely recommended for everyone.
CitySlicker Says:
I have this lippie in Golden Ambition. I too am no stranger to wearing dark colors on my lips and always jump at the chance to try something new. I don’t care if a line is marketed to a specific ethnicity if I like the product I jump on board quickly. It is clear that the foundation wouldn’t work for me but the lippies do. The Golden Ambition is a rich bronzy color that would be perfect for me with a tan in the summer, right now I am pale and wearing this color kind of makes me look sickly it brings out the wrong tones so when I wear this I need to bronze it up. First thing I noticed is just how smooth this goes on and almost leaves like a light powdery feel to it... It does stay on nicely and that is SUPER important for a dark lippie. I could wear without reapplying for a couple of hours (pretty much till I ate). I don’t notice a lot of feathering either. Now let me get to the best part….. Can you believe $5.75?? OMG, this line has many treasures at price points that won’t break the bank or scare you away... Nice product, nice color and stands up to my busy day!
Joyce says: I like a lipstick that goes on easy and feels good, as this one does. And it did last. My shade was Tropica which is a red with a strong orange base. I thought it was a bit bright on me and my friends commented that it was the wrong shade. I’m going to mix it with a darker color and expand my palette because I do like it.
Amanda S. Says: I have nightmares where I put on lipstick and it stays right on the outside of my lips and wears away on the inner part of my lip immediately, and makes the corners of my mouth look gross. Wait, those aren't nightmares, that happens to me constantly. I live in fear of lipstick, with my face in mirrors everywhere making sure it's not creeping all over my face or getting on my teeth. When I got this Black Opal lipstick, I was afraid to use it in fear that I'd be living under seige all day. But I wore it around the house for a few hours, checked on it, and behold.. it didn't freak out on me. It must have some super hero strength staying power or something, because unlike 99% of the lipsticks I've ever used, it made me happy. !
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