Oh, how I love this pencil! Please, don't get me started. I tried to show the amazing difference it makes in one's eyes to some non-makeup friends & they totally ignored me until I later cornered one and made her look at the before and after & even she was impressed. This pencil makes you look like you got the perfect amount of sleep and you are alert and on the ball. If it's possible for a pencil to make me look more attentive and less my A.D.D. self (yes, I really have it, no need to write in) I am %100 for it. And this pencil doesn't give you that weird newscaster look like when they line newspeople's eyes with white or light blue, line the inside of your lower lid with this baby & no one will be able to put a finger on why you look at your perky best. Seriously- I recommend this pencil for absolutely everyone! Only bad side- they're out of stock on the dark & don't know when it will be back for sure. Even if you don't ordinarily line your lower, inner eyelids (I generally don't) this adds a special something to your eyes and even with contacts I've experienced no discomfort or problems. All you fair to medium toned girls- order this now! You'll find it to be one of the best $16.50 purchases you could make with your beauty dollar.
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