How cool! You get to mix and match the colors of your Lip Cocktail for yourself! I love it! The colors are also available solo for $16.50 each for both the Cordial Shimmering Lip & Cheek Tints and the Topper Gloss.
I have to say, minus one major set-back this is my new favorite product. It will never be lost to the bottomless pit that is my purse! The color I received is "framboise" for the Tint and "Frappe" for the Topper Gloss. I absolutely love the colors. They leave my pout with this fantastic dramatic fuchsia, but it isn't over the top at all, just really really pretty. In fact the day I got it a customer told me that "you should try to always wear that shade of lipstick." Whoa! Right out of left field too! I did nothing to prompt this comment other than paint my lips... I am impressed. The tint lasts for hours and hours, and while you will need to apply the gloss a bit more frequently it still has some really good staying power. The gloss is a really nice consistancy with no major flavor, and in my opinion is a perfect 10. The tint, unfortunatly, does not score the same. I love the color, the staying power, the dry time, everything about how it wears, but as you apply it it smells really bad. Almost like mildewy fabric. Gross. But you only need to go through the stink once a day, so far it hasn't deterred me from loving this product!
I almost bought Liptini lip gloss recently and now I definitely will try it in the future. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I totally recommend it, it sounds pricey but I would definitely pay more!
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