Wow, um, I never thought I'd be able to put on eyelashes. I'm such a klutz and a spazz, and as I always say, I rub my eyes. I put these on and all the while, laughed to myself imagining one lash dangling uselessly from the corner of my eye before I even stepped out the door. Imagine to my surprise when they stayed on for the entire day! I'm not really in need of pumped up lashes, and won't use false lashes on a regular basis, I feel pretty awesome knowing that I pulled off wearing them, applying them, and being generally cool with them... all on my own. If you've ever wanted to try false lashes but were terrified of gluing an eye shut or otherwise embarrassing / harming yourself, try these. You'll do fine, I promise! (And you'll have fun)
Deedlejuse Says: My experience was, to say the least, the exact opposite of Amanda S's. I will say, however, that I am as much or more of a spazz who rubs her eyes constantly than Amanda S. I first decided to be an idiot and apply these lashes backwards, as in left on the right and visa verse. Not that that is Revlon's fault by any means, but it is something to keep in mind when you try your pair. When I finally got them on the correct eyelids (yes I know five year olds can do it, thank you!) I had managed to get the glue all over my face, the lashes were all bunched together and my eyes were watering like crazy. On top of everything else my eyelashes were positioned about 1/4" beneath the falsie, it looked awesome. So, all in all I would say, these obviously work, and according to Amanda S work really well, but I just couldn't figure out how to do it. Don't be too turned off by my review, though, It takes a special kind of person to be able to put their shoes on the wrong feet, but I'd probably manage it!
Maria says: I have been doing musical theatre forever. Anybody who performs in theatre knows that false eyelashes come with the territory. You just gotta wear them on stage. I have used every kind of false eyelashes - from the cheapest - to pretty darn expensive ones and had finally settled on a very well known drugstore brand, known for their false eyelashes and pretty much nothing else. So when I got the Revlon Fantasy Length Lashes I thought to myself - "well, here's a brand I would have never thought to try for false eyelashes". They're quite nice actually - no more difficult to apply than other brands - especially if you use the little tricks of the trade, like applying the glue to the lash band with a q-tip - letting it dry for a sec while flexing the lash...etc. These really give the eyes POP! Naturally, these are not something I'd wear everyday, and I was quite careful to put them back on the backing they came on for the next time I'm doing a show. They photograph amazing - you look like a pinup queen! False eyelashes just add that oomph of glamour and they are a great treat for parties, special events, etc. Well done, Revlon! Good product.
Movie Maven says: I've often speculated about what I would be like if I was a man. I know my name would be Luke, since that's what my mom told me, and I know I would be awesome, because I'm awesome as a lady, but other than that? ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN. I would probably be handsome in a sinister way like my brother, which means I would be playing a lot of villains (I'm assuming I'd still be an actor). But the main thing I think would be true: I would totally be a drag queen. Even if I wasn't gay. I love crazy makeup so much that it transcends gender identity and sexual orientation. And of the trappings of a transvestite, there is none that brings me more joy and pain* than false eyelashes.
They're tricky to put on. Anyone who is good at doing it has had lots and lots of practice. I don't get an opportunity to wear them very often, so I do not have lots of practice. But I got several pairs to try out from Revlon's Fantasy Lengths line, and I wanted to give them the respect they deserve.
The Fantasy Lengths line comes in both a glue-on and a self-adhesive variety. I'll address the glue-on version here. The glue is included (nice), and the way I learned to apply it is to put a little on your hand, then "dip" the lash into it. Wait a moment, then apply to your eye. The key here, ladies (and gents) is: cut the lashes into sections. One of the Revlon styles actually came pre-cut into four mini-lash sections, which makes them 1000% easier to apply. You don't have to struggle with placement because you're only dealing with a quarter inch section, rather than a whole long strip. Additionally, this gives you the option of just putting on one or two sections instead of a whole lid, which is great, and looks more natural.
I was really pleased with the results: one of my friends (without prompting) actually said, "those aren't your lashes? They look so natural." They stayed on admirably, and were really easy to remove at the end of the night. I will definitely be lashing it up in the near future.
*sunshine...and rain
Hillary says: My first attempt with a pair of these beauties was with a design called "Minx" which looks like false lashes with black eyeliner attached. Loved them in the box, however, they were too small for my eyes. The Revlon rep was shocked as most people have to cut them because they are too long. Attempt #2 was with a half- lash style called "Wink". Now these I can get into these! Of course it took a couple of tries, but once they were on they looked like my lashes, only much better! You place them at the outer edges of your eyes like accents. I hope they last, because I plan on wearing them on a regular basis. P.S. After about 5 minutes you don't notice you have them on at all.
Josephine says: I went to a daytime garden wedding this past weekend and wore my falsies. I used the ones reco'ed for someone with lighter hair. They weren't lighter in lash color, per se, but there were fewer on the band, making them less obvious. It's at this point I should say I put false lashes on people for a living yet struggled with these. I blame the glue, however, and not the actual lashes. When I punctured the tube, a bunch of liquid-y ooze flowed out. Once I squeezed the tube for a moment and 'finally' got the product going, it dried so quickly that I didn't have time to line the lashes, place and press them into my lashline. I did finally get them on after several weird attempts and they looked and photographed beautifully. When I removed my eye makeup later that night, I saw more clearly what the company means by long-wearing glue. I practically had to break out an elaborate power tool to get it off. Two days later, I am still removing the glue from my lashes. So, a recap: Great lashes that don't need long-wearing glue to be more fabulous, in my expert opinion. Reach for these Revlon lashes at the store but steer clear of that particular box.
Sultana says: Oh how I long to wear false lashes. I can't tell you how many times I've tried. The reason they don't seem to stay on is because my eyelids tend to get oily because I have oily skin. No glue I find can hold them in. These lashes from Revlon were so nice. They were the perfect length & volume. Sadly, like the others they did not stay on. I didn't have a hard time putting them on. I think these would work better on people with normal to dry skin. Other than that, these are well made and really pretty.
I really appreciate the review. I haven't tried false eyelashes yet, but I am considerng giving these a spin for a special occasion.
hi! they're really fun to use. my advice is, if you can spare the $, get a pair and try them out ahead of time, so you're feeling confident on the special day. xo!
I have to tell y'all that the lash type "Wink" was awesome! really easy to use and look good in an instant! I strongly recommend them!
I just bought a set of the "Lush" style lashes and am glad I apparently got the right brand!I don't leave my house often but I thought that feeling a little better about myself would help me want to leave the house so I bought with the intention to wear them out and make it to my congregation meetings. Spiritual investment? LOL Weird, I know. Cest' la Vis! But I need it! Anyway, I haven't applied them yet because I wanted to wait until the next occasion came around and research before I applied in case they needed to be returned. So far it sounds good. now I get to try to put them in. Funny enough, I have glued my eye shut before in a desperate attempt to lash it up. It ended up in me having to trim a few lashes to get a glue knot out! EMBARRASSING! Also, I loved Movie Maven's "Joy and Rain" reference. I had to double-take at first. It made me chuckle!
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